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The BCTF invites nine (9) teachers from the general membership to participate in the union's delegation to the 16th Trinational Conference in Defense of Public Education: Defending and Teaching our Rights in San Antonio, Texas. Activities will take place from November 6–11, 2024.

The Trinational Coalition, formed in 1993, brings together activists from teacher unions in Canada, Mexico, and the United States to work together on issues related to the impact of neo-liberal policies on public education. A cornerstone of this work is the biennial Trinational Conference to Defend Public Education, where researchers and teacher and student activists gather to plan common actions for the next two years. This years’ theme will include in-depth discussions around topics such as: the extreme rights’ attack on public education; decolonization; culturally responsive and sustaining teaching; precarization of education work; and fighting for just working and learning conditions. The conference is being hosted by the San Antonio Alliance of Teachers.

The shape of activities during the delegation is:

Nov 5              Delegates from outside of the lower mainland travel to Vancouver

Nov 6              Full-day training session at the BCTF offices in Vancouver

Nov 7              Travel to San Antonio, Texas

Nov 8              Organized school and community visits; Opening of the conference

Nov 9             Workshops

Nov 10            Workshops; Conference declaration

Nov 11            All delegates travel home

To apply you must be an active BCTF member (e.g., not on leave). Final selection will be made by the BCTF Full-Time Table Officers (FTTOs) who will give priority to first-time participants and consider the following criteria:

  • knowledge of key socio-political and economic issues relevant to the conference
  • alignment with the BCTF's International Solidarity approach
  • union leadership and involvement
  • geographic representation
  • representation of members from equity-deserving groups
  • commitment to sharing learning and participating in actions after the conference

All costs associated with participating in the delegation, including release time and travel costs, will be covered by the BCTF.

Important: An international delegation is a unique opportunity to learn from the experiences and expertise of partner unions as well as fellow delegates. There are many opportunities for rich dialogue and exchange, but this is not a guided trip or tourist experience. The days can be long and tiring and there may not be much “free” time. At meetings with exclusively BCTF members, the union uses our Commitment to Solidarity to guide our work and our relationships. On international delegations, we are a group of BCTF members who have been invited as guests to engage with partners and community groups and will continue to use these principles to guide our work together. All participants will be expected to actively participate in all delegation activities (where active participation also includes listening and holding space for diverse views) and respond to changes and challenges with flexibility. Delegates will also be asked to recognize and critically reflect on power dynamics and imbalances in their own positions and relationships and engage in cultural humility by reflecting on their own backgrounds and how these impact beliefs and practices.

To apply please send an application to international@bctf.ca by September 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. PST.

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