This driving reimbursement memo is effective January 7, 2025. It applies to all travel to events and meetings held in the Lower Mainland for January 1 through June 30, 2025.
The decision to fly or drive is up to each member in consideration of safety, practicality, efficiency, and cost. The accessibility needs of members are also to be considered to allow members to participate in union activities. Members are also encouraged to consider the carbon footprint of their transportation choice.
Booking flights
If you are flying, please make your travel arrangements as soon as possible to get the best price. Please call W.E. Travel at 604-969-5585 or toll free at 1-800-663-4703 or email the agents listed below.
Members travelling from within the Lower Mainland
Actual kilometres multiplied by the current Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) per kilometre rate of 72 cents are reimbursed for travel from the member’s home to the event/meeting.
Members travelling from outside the Lower Mainland who choose to fly
For those who choose to fly, kilometres to travel to and from their home to the airport can be claimed. The amount is actual kilometres from the member’s home to the airport multiplied by the current CRA per kilometer rate of 72 cents. When required, parking at the airport and ferry fares can also be claimed.
Rapid transit (i.e., Canada Line and SkyTrain) is to be used when travelling between the Vancouver International Airport, the BCTF building, and downtown locations that are in close proximity to the Olympic Village, Yaletown, City Centre, and Waterfront SkyTrain stations. Taxi charges can be claimed between the Vancouver International Airport, the BCTF building, and downtown locations, for those who have accessibility needs or in circumstances where safety considerations are required.
Members travelling from outside the Lower Mainland who choose to drive
Please refer to the reimbursement chart below if you are driving from your home to the event/meeting. Ferry costs can also be claimed and are not included in the amounts below.
Cost of parking at the venue are also not included in the calculation and can be claimed separately if not already direct billed to the BCTF by the hotel.
Please contact your program co-ordinator if:
- you live in a remote location
- you live in a community that is an outlier
- your hometown is not listed
- you have any other questions.
This travel chart was established based on Procedure 10.I.04. If your total kilometres of roundtrip driving exceeds the reimbursement listed below, then the chart amount will be the maximum reimbursement. If it is less, please claim the actual kilometres multiplied by 72 cents per kilometre to ensure you are not considered to have received a taxable benefit per rules of the Canada Revenue Agency.