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The Bob Rosen Social Justice Award will be granted to:

a member or honorary associate member who has made an outstanding and sustained contribution in working for systemic change on issues of social justice, including but not limited to one or more of the following: antiracism, peace and global education, environmental justice, the status of women, antipoverty, disability justice, and 2LGBTQ2+ issues.

Bob Rosen was a tremendous advocate for social justice, human rights, peace, and the rights of working people worldwide. He worked tirelessly within his union and in the broader community in the interest of helping to create a better world. Bob exemplified what it means to be a social justice activist, never shying away from controversial issues, using every opportunity to educate and engage, and constantly reaching out in solidarity to others.

Bob served as president of the Surrey Teachers’ Association in 1992–93 and served his local and the BCTF in many capacities.

Bob passed away peacefully on November 22, 2011.

Nominating procedures

  • The award may be made annually, at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Nominations should consist of a summary of the basis for the nomination, as per the criteria above, not to exceed three pages in length, including any supporting letters or other documents.
  • Nominations may be submitted by locals, groups of members, or individual members.
  • The award will be determined by decision of the Executive Committee at the February Executive Committee meeting.
  • No member of the Executive Committee, holding office at the time of selection, be eligible to be nominated for the award.

Deadline: January 31, 2025

Complete the nomination form and send it by email to the attention of Amber Mitchell, Executive Director, amitchell@bctf.ca.

You will receive a reply confirmation email that your nomination has been received.