Foundation Skills Assessment
The Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) is a province-wide standardized test administered to all Grade 4 and 7 students across BC. It is not a required part of the BC curriculum, and the results of the FSA are not included on a child’s report card.
Teachers know that the FSA is not a reliable method of measuring a student’s progress and is a model of assessment that is inaccurate and not useful. Teachers are also concerned about the data collected from this test being used by corporations to mislead parents and harm school communities.
Teachers know that a wide range of curriculum-based assessment tools are a better way to monitor and support student learning. Teachers are asking parents to withdraw their children from this test and work instead with their child’s teacher to support educationally sound assessments that are accurate and that work for everyone.
If you would like to withdraw your child from the FSA, please use one of the letters below, and sign and deliver it to your school administrator.
Withdraw your Child from the FSA