This vetted digital book and resource, available both in English and French, creates a multimodal learning experience for youth using interactive chapters designed like a book that share the truths and stories of Indigenous Hall of Famers inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame. This interactive learning platform is a digital experience offering rich storytelling through video, written text, 360-degree views of artefacts, and audio learning activities. It offers 12 sets of ready-to-use lesson plans that complement the 4 digital interactivities and chapters to bring entry points to Indigenous Ways of Knowing & Being into your classroom, and it support Truth and Reconciliation through Calls to Action 62, 63, 66, 67, and 87. The development of this changemaker resource was led by Indigenous Hall of Famers and their families, and was created in the spirit of collaboration with countless Indigenous, sport, and museum partners. We are honoured and grateful to have been gifted the permission to share these incredible role models' stories with you and your students.