Salary Indemnity Plan (Short-Term Portion)
If a member wishes to appeal an SIP claim decision, they need to submit their request in writing to their Case Manager or the Plan Administrator.
100 - 550 West 6th Avenue
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V5Z 4P2
The Income Security Committee shall review and rule upon any issue of interpretation or application of the regulations, including eligibility for benefits, in any claim where a member questions the decision of the SIP Administrator.
The Income Security Committee meets five times per school year to hear member appeals. An appeal can usually be heard at the next meeting of the Income Security Committee, as long as your appeal documents have been received at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
Salary Indemnity Plan (Long-Term Portion)
How do I dispute Canada Life’s decision to deny/terminate my claim?
In the event a claimant disputes the decision of the external agency and/or the Plan Administrator regarding the medical acceptability of a claim, the dispute shall be finally and conclusively determined by a Medical Review Committee.
The Medical Review Committee shall be composed of three physicians: one designated by the claimant, one by the Income Security Committee, and a third agreed to by the first two. The third physician shall act as a chairperson of the committee.