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Elections for the following position will take place at the Spring Representative Assembly May 30-31, 2025.

Judicial Council Chairperson
, 3-year term from July 1, 2025 to August 31, 2028

The Judicial Council considers alleged breaches of the Code of Ethics or of conduct harmful or prejudicial to the Federation and renders decisions regarding said conduct. The chairperson of the Judicial Council, in consultation with the designated staff member selects panels to screen, hear charges and hear appeals related to alleged breaches. Duties of the chairperson can be found in the Members’ Guide to the BCTF, By-law 7.

The Judicial Council chairperson is expected to chair three two-day meetings each year on a Friday/Saturday and support the new members’ training on the Thursday before their first meeting. The chairperson is expected to be available to consult with the ethics administrator to assign panels to consider complaints as they are received.

To protect privacy and confidentiality, the Judicial Council chairperson is assigned a BCTF email address to be used for all communications from Judicial Council. The Judicial Council chairperson is responsible for remaining up to date and regularly checking BCTF email communications.

This is a volunteer opportunity to serve and represent all the teachers of BC. Accommodation, meals (per diem), leave of absence (LOA), necessary travel costs, and dependent care costs (if required) will be provided in accordance with BCTF policies for all expenses related to Judicial Council business (meetings and casework).


Deadline: May 30, 2025 at 2:30 p.m.

To apply, please complete the online CV application form on the BCTF website.

An applicant may wish to provide, on a voluntary basis, information as to whether they self-identify as a member of an equity-seeking group.

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