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Seven, 3-year terms, July 1, 2025, to August 31, 2028
One, 1-year term, July 1, 2025, to August 31, 2026

The BCTF Internal Mediation Service (IMS) is a team of volunteer members who are trained and gain experience in facilitating mediators.


  • Two mediators are assigned to work with members who request mediation and others as appropriate, to help resolve workplace conflicts that threaten positive relationships. They may also work with small groups within schools, local executives, local specialist associations (LSAs), or professional specialist associations (PSAs), as appropriate.
  • Attend two training meetings during the year; each meeting is two days, scheduled on Friday/Saturday. The first meeting will take place in the fall of 2025, and the second meeting will take place in the spring of 2026 (dates to be determined).
  • New appointees must be available to attend a training session for new members on the Thursday before the fall meeting.
  • Mediators may need up to 10 days of release time per year to carry out their responsibilities (meetings and travel to mediations). They are typically assigned two to three cases per year.
  • To protect privacy and confidentiality, mediators are assigned a BCTF email address to be used for all IMS communications. Mediators are responsible for remaining up to date and regularly checking BCTF email communications.

Selection criteria

  • active BCTF membership
  • minimum of 10 years of teaching experience in BC public schools
  • experience in local or BCTF work
  • strong organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills
  • prior training/experience in counselling, mediation, negotiation, conflict resolution and/or restorative justice.

For further information, please see 32: Professional Relations (procedures 32.02 and 32.06) of the Members’ Guide to the BCTF.

This is a volunteer opportunity to serve and represent the members of BC. Accommodation, meals (per diem), leave of absence (LOA), necessary travel costs, and dependent care costs (if required) will be provided in accordance with BCTF policies for all expenses related to IMS business (meetings and casework).


Deadline: April 30, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.

A CV application form can be found on the BCTF website at db.bctf.ca/forms/cv/index.cfm

An applicant may wish to provide, on a voluntary basis, information as to whether they self-identify as a member of an equity-seeking group.

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