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Grade 10-12
Subject Social Studies, Labour History
Resource type Activity, Handbook/Resource guide
Duration 15-90 minutes

About This Resource

Lesson activities to accompany the vignette "Mayo Singh" from the acclaimed Knowledge Network series; Working People: A History of Labour in British Columbia produced by Landrock Entertainment. The vignette explores the role of Mayo Singh in establishing a model multi-cultural Forestry community around Paldi on Vancouver Island. The supporting lesson materials focus on the role and challenges that Mayo Singh had in creating and sustaining a sawmill in the early part of the 20th century. This is a unit created by the Labour History Project, a group of retired and current British Columbia teachers collaborating to develop a series of lesson plans, activities, and workshops focused on labour studies and labour history. See: https://www.labourheritagecentre.ca/educate/
Mayo Singh-Working People: A History of Labour in BC- Labour History Project Lesson Materials 9

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